UX Design & Testing

When it comes to a new website, you need to ensure that users are at the forefront of your thinking. Through data review and user interaction, we can be the voice of the user in your website project.

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UX Design & Testing

When it comes to a new website, you need to ensure that users are at the forefront of your thinking. Through data review and user interaction, we can be the voice of the user in your website project.

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UX design and testing that increases website performance

Don’t base your next website design on opinions. Our approach to user experience (UX) design and testing ensures decisions are based on facts and visitor needs, leading to crafted experiences that delight users.

Crafting experiences that delight your customers

More often than not, website redesigns are based on a mixture of guesswork, the desire to “do something new”, and personal opinion about what works. At Elixirr Digital however we study data, conduct user research and blend this with organisational objectives for a balanced approach that delivers positive user experiences.

Blueprints for a successful website

To achieve a website that responds to the needs of your customers, planning is vital. This planning (or information architecture) acts as a blueprint for your website, allowing you to revise and draft the site before design and build processes have begun. Testing this information architecture with users is a natural next step, providing new iterations and with it, an evolved user experience even prior to launch.

Brief, Conceptualise, Deliver

By employing a consultative approach Elixirr Digital can help you achieve a rich and engaging user experience.

If you are interested in seeing how we can help with your UX design needs, contact Elixirr Digital today.

We know that industry jargon can sometimes be tricky to understand. For the ultimate list of A-Z industry terms, check out our Digital Marketing Glossary.

At Elixirr Digital we study data and conduct user research

Case Study
A new direction for Gay Times based on user research
Read more

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