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Developing a B2B Content Strategy: The 4 Ws of Content Marketing


In my ‘Evolution of Content’ blog post back in March, I shared my opinions on getting buy-in from within your organisation to generate unique, compelling content for your B2B blog, website or social media campaign.

In essence, it was a fairly straightforward post, encouraging companies to create as much unique, relevant content as possible to generate interest, advocacy and ultimately sales leads.

But to get the full value from your content it is essential to understand why you’re producing it, what type of content you’re going to create, who it’s aimed at and where you’re going to utilise it to best effect.

Over the coming weeks, I’ll be giving my opinion on what you should be considering when implementing your B2B content strategy.

There are 4 fundamental stages to consider when producing a B2B content plan:

  • Why are you creating the content? Is there a clear picture within your organisation as to why you’re putting the effort in to produce the content?

Do you simply want to put across your offering in order to generate leads?
Do you want to generate discussion and social sharing of your content?
Are you trying to promote your business as a thought-leader in a particular market sector, and thereby create advocacy for your business?

  • What type of content is going to be most beneficial? Would an infographic convey more and be more compelling than simple words and spaces, or does video content match your requirements more closely?
  • Who are you talking to? Is your content created in the correct way to attract the attention of the influencers and decision makers within your target markets?
  • Where will the content be used? Are you simply producing content for your website – or are you going to publish the content in other areas to gain maximum exposure?

The discussion on what constitutes great content continues apace and my posts over the coming weeks will hopefully be able to clarify exactly what a B2B content strategy should entail.

I’m looking forward to hearing your comments as the series develops . . .

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